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Sarah Joy - Expert Spotlight

What is your role now since leaving corporate life?

For the last 10 years, Sarah is an expert in advising companies in Hyper Growth phase on how to achieve their Pareto’s Principle AKA 80-20 Rule. Helping them find the 20% to focus on that will achieve 80% of their 100% Year-on-Year growth results.

She helps firm align their activities across marketing, sales, CRM & product to achieve their targets in the most effective way.

Previous roles - Ex-Head Growth for Coverly & Chief Marketing Officer for Social Value Portal. 

How long have you been an expert of Camelot?   

She has been an Camelot Expert for coming up 5 years.

Have you been a panel expert on any Road Tests?

Yes, many and she was even on the first one Camelot hosted.

Key themes: 

When you’re so close to the business, It’s easy to focus and all the features and functionality you’ve worked so hard to develop & miss obvious things prospects need to know

  • What problem you solve for the sector & for the job title of the decision maker/ ideal customer

  • The need to quantify the value of the problem you’ve solved for others, make it easy for the prospect to work out what the investment will achieve for them. 

  • Case Studies & Testimonials are critical & much more valuable that your biased opinion

  • Demonstrate you understand what the industry wants/needs, ask your prospects or get expert insights from groups like Camelot.

  • Refine your value proposition, ideal customer profile into a succinct few lines, so anyone would be able to explain what you do or identify your ideal client.

  • Keep the initial slide deck short, and aim to ask more questions and find out about them

  • Minimise use of buzz words low-code / no-code… so what, how much do you save or improve a business?

Area of expertise?

Scale-up Growth including B2B SaaS, insurance and other sectors.

She provides ongoing advisory/consultancy & Mentoring services to CEOs, Founders, head of marketing & Sales. She’s your go-to person in Helping firms achieve 100% year-on-year growth, 

By helping them find which are the areas/strategies the businesses need to focus on to achieve their targets. 

She helps them find “What 20% of activity to focus on… that will achieve the 80% of Results” and… 

  • Achieve targets faster

  • Achieve more with less resource, effort and time

  • Achieve more with the same budget

Highest/proudest most recognisable previous role?

Ex-Head Growth for Coverly & Chief Marketing Officer for Social Value Portal. 

How long have you been doing this subject/area?

For nearly 25 years Sarah has been helping all sizes of business achieve their growth ambitions. From big brands like Honda, EA Games, Callaway Golf, to recently funded scale-ups. A big portion of her career has been in digital marketing, but the last 10 years she’s realised to be effective product and sales functions need to be aligned with marketing. 

She hates wasting money and resources.

What is your company name?  Sterling Bright Ltd.

Do you have a website? Unique Camelot link for google tracking: 

What is your LinkedIn profile URL? 

Do you have a blog? 

Please can you provide some examples of recent projects/professional high point that you’ve worked on?

ESGTech - B2B SaaS measurement platform. 

Post Series A funding. Audi and strategy development to Growth. Achieved 68% YoY growth, 108% target, ARR 62% to 100+% increase, 401% increase in organic traffic in 2yrs, 7,000+ MQLs & business doubled in value in 1 yr.

Coverly B2B / D2C - InsurTech

Growth Strategy & implementation - Achieved Growth targets and Reduced cost of acquisition (CPA) by 72%, Growth achieved 4x greater than nearest competitor in 25% of time.🏅Brand of the Year Award finalist & 🏅InsurTech of the Year award finalist.

What is your unique selling point? What makes your business approach unique?

I help businesses find their 80:20 rule. Where to focus their efforts & the easiest way for the business to achieve their goals in the most cost-effective way. 

I help them balance working towards the 5 year strategy whilst achieving the short-term financial targets. I look at their team’s processes, what they’ve achieved & find the opportunities.

She’s passionate about businesses spending time and money wisely, focusing on solving customer problems and making sure your budget and plan focus on short term & long term objectives.

Do you have a Favourite quote?

Before you scale, make sure you’ve maximised the conversion potential at each stage of the sales cycle first. Why waste money on finding new leads & knowingly putting them through a leaky sieve!

Any professional goals for the upcoming year?

To achieve more work-life-balance.

And… Last but not least, how does being an expert of Camelot help you/or add value to your business?

Being part of the Camelot Network is so valuable to me. I’m able to collaborate with other like-minded experts in their field enabling me & add value to my clients. 

It’s also great to have a network to bounce ideas off.

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