Business Leaders Making a Difference
Compiled By Chris Paton
The Purposeful People book cover. Credit: KMD Books.
The book in three words?
Informative - Rousing - Helpful
What is it about?
Compiled by Managing Director of Quirk Solutions, Chris Paton, Purposeful People is an
inspiring and important book that should be on your reading list. Made up of 20 great
chapters written by 20 (you guessed it) purposeful people, the book provides insights into
a wide range of topics based on each author's life experiences, values, and expertise.
Health, mindfulness, networking, imposter syndrome, finding your purpose, and many more
fascinating subjects are covered. Purposeful People is loaded with helpful tips and lessons
that will help you harness your purpose, develop your success and live your best life.
This read will not only improve your life but will also improve the lives of others as the
proceeds of the book are being donated to the charities: Shelter, SSAFA, Cancer Fund
For Children, and Samten.
Who is a purposeful person in business?
From the variety of authors in the book and their brilliant chapters, it is demonstrated that
there is no purposeful person cookie cutter. The book proves that there are many ways
to have a purpose in the business world and outside of it.
Who is this book for?
Due to the wide range of authors, subjects, and life lessons presented in the book, it is likely
you will learn something new and relevant to yourself, no matter who you are. With that
being said, the book will be especially helpful to you if you are a business leader
(including if you are aspiring to be one) as all of the topics relate to that role.
What do members of The Camelot Network think?
“An excellent book offering an eclectic mix of thought-provoking, very inspirational and
yet also practical insights - a rich source of wisdom from experience, not theory.
I especially liked the section by Chris McKibbon on the power of networks and the
collective brain. It clearly dispels the romantic notion of the lone genius, firmly replacing it
with the reality that we are much stronger and far more effective when collaborating
with others - a mantra of the Camelot Network - which is kindly mentioned in the book. It
covers the advantages and how to overcome the headwinds of networking ‘the trick is to get
comfortable with being uncomfortable and to remember that people are generally supportive
of genuine, authentic engagement.’ The Camelot Network is so aptly described in the book
as "it is now an enviable means to learn and engage with the Insurance
standing on the shoulders of senior, seasoned folks"......that's what we do! ....Very insightful
book - highly recommend."
- David Clamp, Founder and Managing Director of Merlin Digital Consulting and
The Camelot Network
To sum it up:
Packed with inspiring quotes, life stories, and lessons, Purposeful People, will teach you
something new, develop your knowledge and help you be the best version of yourself.
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Written by Chloe Allison