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Getting Transformation Right

A Leader’s Guide To The Management Of Change At Scale

By Jane Logie

The Purposeful People book cover. Credit: KMD Books.

The book in three words?

Practical - Advantageous - Clear

What is it about?

Written by Transformation Specialist and Camelot’s own, Jane Logie, Getting Transformation

Right is an unmatched guide for making essential business changes. The book

identifies and gives you an understanding of the how’s and what’s of change that is key

to business survival and success.

Getting Transformation Right, shows you the key skills and abilities required for making

successful change and teaches you how to encompass them. You are guided on a

journey through specific capability areas where information is detailed but broken down into

bite-size chunks. Filled with illustrative examples, the useful points that are made are

digestible and clear. Throughout the reading experience, your knowledge can gradually

build and build productively, resulting in a strong understanding of transformation by

the end.

How do you get transformation right?

It’s clear from the book that there isn’t one simple answer to getting transformation right.

But, as Logie shows us, there are many skills and abilities to employ to truly get

transformation right. There are skills needed such as utilising the power of a team,

thinking strategically, and embedding coaching, amongst many more. Do not fear though!

There are handy checklists at the end of each chapter that you can use as a guide for

whatever business transformation you are leading!

Who is this book for?

Getting Transformation Right is ideal for leaders, especially business leaders. The book

will be useful to a leader working in any industry and any size company. Terms, strategies,

and skills are explained quickly but clearly, and you are guaranteed to learn something new.

So, no matter how long you have been a business leader this book will be a great

addition to your reading list.

A moment with the author:

“It's sad to say but the majority of transformation programmes fail to meet executive

expectations. Over the last 30 years, I have helped many organisations to deliver large

scale transformational change and had the opportunity to work with some of the best

people in the change profession and I believe that we have enough insight into the common

causes of failure to help others to avoid making the same costly mistakes.”

“I decided to write Getting Transformation Right because I wanted to help busy executives

that are engaged in transformation activities to be more successful. If my book can help just

one person to get set up for success and deliver a great business outcome without

failure then I will be happy. "

- Jane Logie, Author of Getting Transformation Right and Transformation


To sum it up:

Getting Transformation Right, is an invaluably useful read for business leaders. It will

equip you with a thorough understanding of what is required to bring about great

change and how to deliver that transformation as well as avoid errors. You’ll come out

of the book ready to make transformation happen!

Want to know more?

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Written by Chloe Allison

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