What is your role now since leaving corporate life?
I am a CEO, Embedded Finance & Insurance Strategies
Founder and AI Risk
How long have you been an expert of Camelot?
I have been a Expert for 3 years.
Area of expertise:-
Embedded Insurance
New Growth Strategy
AI Risk
Highest/proudest most recognisable previous role.
I would say my Highest/proudest most recognisable previous role is Embedded Insurance thought leadership.
How long have you been doing this subject/area?
4 years
What is your company name?
Embedded Finance & Insurance Strategies
AI Risk
Do you have a website?
What is your LinkedIn profile URL?
Please can you provide some examples of recent projects/professional high point that you’ve worked on?
Embedded Insurance International Peer Group
Embedded Insurance strategies for multiple insurers, reinsurers, brokers, insurtechs
What is your unique selling point? What makes your business approach unique?
Innovative strategy and execution methods.
Do you have a Favourite quote?
“I skate to where the puck’s going to be, not where it is now” - Steve Jobs, after Wayne Gretzky
Any professional goals for the upcoming year?
To grow AI-Risk.co
And… Last but not least, how does being an expert of Camelot help you/or add value to your business?
It has helped me meet lots of good people.